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Why Do Some Students Hate Homework

We come across many children who hate their homework so much and try to avoid it in every way possible. These children try different methods which can make them successful to avoid homework and as a result their performance is badly affected. With bad performance they just on going like that and become careless overtime about their study and future. The main problem here to deal with is to find reasons for why some students hate statistics homework so much that they don’t even realize risking their future for it. We have to see the triggering factors of this hatred towards homework.

Parents' unnecessary pressure on study:

Some parents who are very much grades conscious and extra worry about the career of their children keep on putting unnecessary pressure on their child regarding his performance in studies. When the child arrives home, the only thing he listens is to study and study. They keep on saying him to do the homework. This repetition makes child annoyed. When he gets no emotional or behavioral support but just this feeling that homework is all in life, he starts hating it. In such situation, children develop this hatred as a reaction to parents' behavior towards him.

Areas of interest being affected:

Due to excess of homework these days, children's areas of interest and fun are badly affected. After school hours, all a child wants is to play or does some activity which pleases his mind whether it is painting or anything else. When he can't do it, and he has to do the homework instead, he hates it.

Lack of motivation:

For any person to excel in some field, some true motivation is required. The problem with teachers and many parents too these days is that they do not give any inspiration to their child and child finds no reason to study and to do homework which becomes an extra job in such case. It disturbs the child to do something which he has no reason to do. So it is very necessary to implant motivation in your child.

Lack of reinforcement:

If the child hates homework, this is because he doesn't find any good outcome of it. This for him is a task which is assigned and is to be done under any circumstances. The only way to react for him is to hate the homework. The hatred is quite understandabl.

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